Hush To The Rescue

Hush To The Rescue

Posted by Laura Klein on 28th Sep 2022

The Hush Vaporiser Kit is gaining hero status around Australia as the best sleep aid for newborns, babies, children, teens and adults.  

Year-round benefits delivering sleep to those who need it most.

All Covers, Colours and Designs Included in Your Kit......

A HEALTHY, SAFE humidifier for ALL AGES.

There's really nothing like it on the Australian Market.

Here are some tips to help you get the best out of this game-changing machine.

- Thanks for understanding the Hush Baby Vaporiser is not a magic overnight fix for sleep issues and disruptions.  It is a tool that can enhance a calm, age-appropriate sleep routine.

- We recommend using all features of the Hush Ultrasonic Vaporiser consistently every night, all year round, in sickness and in health.  For babies and young children, that can include day naps. 

- Ideally, you will start using the Hush Cool Mist Vaporiser from birth, but if you have an older baby, toddler, child or teenager, it's never too late to introduce a positive sleep aid into their routine. For children 2 years and older, explain to them how the "magic machine" will help them sleep and how good they will feel after a good night's sleep. Create an enchanting story: the magic mist floats through the air and into your body, and creates beautiful dreams every night. 

- We recommend you take the Hush Ultrasonic Vaporiser on holidays, or if your child is sleep in an unfamiliar or new environment (like Grandma's house) to replicate the calming sleep environment. 

- We'd love you to join our Private Facebook Group here, where you can ask questions and get feedback from other Aussie parents, who are looking for sleep and sniffle support, just like you. It's a zone of "no judgement" and "no cry it out" and we hope you feel comfortable sharing your parenting journey. 

5 Star Hush review

Hush Vaporiser functionality

Mist and Essential Oils

- The mist vapour is created by plain tap water, and instantly purifies and hydrates the environment. The mist will never create heat or condensation. The fine mist particles travel around 30sqm and stay suspended in the air for hours, to be inhaled through the breath, and absorbed through the skin. When you add essential oils to the water, each particle of mist is coated in the oils as it is released from Hush.

- It is safe and appropriate to have the unit right next to the cot or bed, but as the mist can travel to all corners of the room, you can place it on a shelf further away. 

- We recommend using the Hush Baby Vaporiser from birth, to establish a consistent sleep environment.  With newborns, please use plain tap water only (no essential oil) - which will still purify and hydrate the air. Essential oils can be generally diffused in the appropriate dosage from 3 months of age. This is not meant to alarm parents, as essential oils are pure plant materials. But they are very concentrated, and a newborn's skin and respiratory system is so new, that we may not be aware of any sensitivities or allergic reactions. Please read more on essential oil safety on this blog.

- If you have an older baby, toddler or child, it's never too late to introduce the benefits of essential oils for their wellbeing. 

- Sweet Slumber, Calm Cocoon, Sniffle Season or Baby Breathe are 100% pure essential oil blends. One oil is included in the kit, and is perfect for creating calm bedtimes and promoting soothing, deep sleep.

- Single bottles of extra essential oils are available here for $22, or a 5 pack for $99 here. 

- You can use other essential oil brands in the Hush Ultrasonic Vaporiser, but please make sure they are 100% Pure Essential Oil.  Check labels carefully. We do not recommend using cheap, synthetic bottles of "fragrant essence" or "fragrance oil" in any baby vaporiser.  Whilst this mixture may smell like a plant, it actually contains no plant material, but is a chemical compound designed to smell nice, and has no health or well-being benefit. 

Hush Vaporiser helps to support sleep

Baby Vaporiser with Light Features 

- Setting up the bedroom with correct lighting and darkness is an important consideration from birth. Babies and children sleep better in a darker room, with minimal natural light shining through the windows. To that end, we strongly advocate the use of black out blinds on the windows for day naps and night sleep. 

- However, whilst blocking out 90% of day light is important, the use of subtle red light therapy can increase melatonin production (the sleep hormone)

- The Hush Vaporiser has a number of light features: bright/dim red, rainbow light rotation, and pause on any colour. The light can be turned off completely, while the mist and light still operate.

- Pausing on the deep red light setting is the best way to create a soothing, ambient glow, which will not be bright enough to keep your little one awake. As your little one transitions from newborn, to older baby, to toddlerhood, the familiarity of a gentle red nightlight will allow them to see their surrounds and feel comforted without stimulating them awake. 

- We recommend placing the unit at eye level, quite close to the bed or cot, where your child can see the red light as they drift to sleep.  Staring at it for 5-10 minutes can help them wind down and fall asleep. If they wake during the night, the familiar red glow can help them resettle. 

- If your child has never used a night light before, it will take a few nights to adjust.  At first they might be excited and stimulated by the red light, but continue using it for at least a week, to see positive changes in bedtime and sleep habits. 

- If you still feel the red light is too bright and disruptive, place it further away from the cot, or add one of the decorative covers. The whole room will still have a subtle, red glow. 

Baby Vaporiser with red light setting

Sound Features

- Sound therapy is recommended by sleep consultants all over the world, as it creates a consistent, soothing sleep environment.  Best of all, it blocks outside distracting noises, like barking dogs, TVs, traffic, other siblings playing in the house, thunder storms, birds chirping at dawn or garbage trucks on the street at 5am. 

- If your child has never used sound therapy before, it may take some time to adjust.  Start with a low volume, and you can increase in a week or 2.  Rain is the most popular natural sound. 

- Ensure the sound plays for the duration of the sleep session. This may also prevent early morning waking, as distracting sounds are blocked. No need to tip toe around the house!!

- The Hush Vaporiser has a built in Bluetooth Speaker so you can play your favourite soothing lullabies. It also makes Hush a great additional to a kitchen or living area.

Watch the Magic Now....

When Can I Expect Positive Results?

Thanks for understanding that the Hush Vaporiser is not a magic overnight fix for sleep issues. But when combined with a calm, consistent routine, and age-appropriate sleep schedule, and a screen-free hour before bedtime, it can produce great results.

Please ensure medical and dietary issues have been ruled out by your doctor as contributing to sleep issues, and consider whether your child is within normal guidelines for other developmental milestones. No amount of "Hushing" can help a child on a high sugar diet settle to sleep!

Teething is also a common cause of sleep disruption. If gums are red and swollen, and your bub is drooling it can mean a new tooth is breaking through. Consider some teething gel or pain relief, until the gum is back to normal. The Farm Buddy Sleep Blankie with chewable arm knots may help.

Illness can often cause a serious disruption to sleep. If your little one has a cold, sniffle, croup, asthma, gastro etc, you may need to be flexible with your expectations of sleep.  They will need extra comfort, more fluids, and often more rest and sleep to allow their bodies to recover. 

The Hush Vaporiser will help the recovery process as the mist will purify and hydrate the air. In times of congestion,  our Snotty Boss Aspirator can clear your little ones nose, and Baby Breathe Essential Oil can be used in the Hush Baby Vaporiser for assist breathing. Always seek medical advice if you have any concerns on their general health. 

Every child has a different personality and temperament, but if the family is committed to consistent, calm, age-appropriate bedtimes and routines, then the long term results can definitely be achieved.

Some negative sleep behaviours or excessively long bedtime routines may have been ingrained for months or years, so it can take time and consistency to see long term improvement. But it's worth it. 

Sleep consultants who advocate calm, loving routines indicate that a bedtime routine for any age should take between 10-30 mins. A remember that critical 10-30 minutes before "lights out" is not the time for an epic wrestling match, or crazy game of hide-n-seek or peekaboo!!  For more great tips, read our  Bedtime Blog here.

Using a baby vaporiser as a sleep aid for babies and kids

Is My Child Actually Ready For Bed?

For babies, and children under 3, it is essential to consider the amount of wake time between the end of the afternoon nap and the beginning of night sleep. Regardless of whether your little one has had "good" day naps or not, bedtimes may need to be brought forward or pushed back to get that "window of opportunity" just right for night sleep. 

   - Leave it too long, and your little one will be over-tired, over-stimulated, with heightened cortisol levels in the brain and this will set off a change reaction that continues through each 90 minute sleep cycle overnight. Many parents mistakenly believe "keeping their baby up until she's really tired" will ensure they are so zonked out, they will sleep through the night. However, it often backfires. Sleep foster even more sleep.   

   - Conversely, not enough wake time and physical activity in the late afternoon/early evening, means your little one may not be naturally tired (especially an energetic toddler). After their final afternoon nap, ensure they have sufficient wholesome nutrition, enough water (but not too much that they have super full bladders at bedtime) and a good amount of physical activity, preferably outdoors. A small amount of screen time may be appropriate, but there should be no screens within an hour of bedtime for little ones under 3 years. These guidelines set up the ideal  environment for the dinner, bath, bed routine to follow, and their bodies and minds will be sufficiently tired and ready for bed. 

Each baby or toddler has a unique body clock, and their ideal balance of sleep and wake time might vary slightly, and parents get to know their little one's cues and needs.  Here is a general guideline. 

Wake Times From the End of the Last Day Nap to the Start of Bedtime Guidelines

Newborn - 4 Months  Age: 2 - 3 hours of afternoon wake time. Eg, Wake at 4pm, feed, play, bath, books, feed. Bed by 6.30pm

5 - 12 Months Age: 3 - 4 hours of afternoon wake time Eg, Wake at 3pm, snack, outdoor play, dinner, bath, books, feed. Bed by 6.30pm

12- 18 months: 3.5 - 5 hours of afternoon wake time Eg, Wake at 2.30pm, snack, outdoor play, dinner, bath, books.. Bed by 7pm

18 months  - 2.5 years: 4.5 - 6 hours of afternoon wake time Eg, Wake at 2pm, snack, outdoor play, dinner, bath, books. Bed by 7pm. Note:  if this age group are sleeping after 3pm, they will unlikely be physically tired enough for bed, so it may mean you need to wake your toddler from their afternoon sleep to keep the sleep plan working. 

Between 3 and 5 years, your toddler will likely drop their day sleep. It may means the hours between 4-7pm are challenging, as they have not slept all day. In the first few weeks, bring bedtime forward by 30-60 minutes until they adjust. 

For children aged 5 years and above, their bedtimes may have pushed out to 9pm and beyond, and we understand this can happen as a result of a busy school, sport and work life. Or they may be falling asleep on the couch watching TV or I-pads, without a set bedtime. It will be impossible to change a 10.30pm bedtime back to 7.30pm in a week. A 30 minute wind back every few days can gradually change your little one's bedtime back, to allow them to get the full 10-13 hours of sleep they need each night, within a month of starting this new routine. There may be resistance and nights of failure and frustration, but the ultimate goal of healthy sleep is worth it.

Cool mist vaporiser with red light to promote better sleep

The Benefits of Sleep

Children who get the recommended healthy between 10-13 hours each night are smarter, healthier, happier and easier to manage. 

Sleep deprivation effects every aspect of life, so even though good sleep may seem out of reach, we can gently guide you to find better sleep for the whole family. 

The first week of using a new sleep tool like the Hush Vaporiser can see sleep disruptions increase as your little one gets used to the new sleep environment of light, mist and sound. But by the end of the first week of consistent use for day naps and night sleeps, there is usually improvement.

But it can be a matter of 2 steps forward, 1 step back. 

It's totally normal for there to be a slightly disrupted sleep, or sleep regression on the 1st or 2nd night. The Hush Ultrasonic Vaporiser is a completely new gadget for your child, and they will be excited and curious.

Don't lose heart if this happens. Please use baby vaporiser for the duration of every day nap and night sleep for at least a week. 

The Hush Vaporiser Kit comes with 2 FREE reversible timber and black covers

Hush Vaporiser Cover

Support is at your Fingertips 

If you have not seen an improvement in sleep behaviours at the end of the 1st week, please  email our support hub. Be sure to state how old your little one is, to help us provide suggestions on age-appropriate naps, wake times, settling techniques and sleep expectations.

Please join our Private Facebook Group here, where you can ask questions and get feedback from other Aussie parents, who are looking for sleep and sniffle support, just like you.

Your success is our success, so please let us know if you have any more questions. We are here to help. Please tag us on Instagram with a Hush video or picture anytime!

For more great information and tips click on these blogs:

Toddler Bedtime Case Study

Bedtime Sorted for Good

12 Ways a Red Night Light Helps Your Child

Tips for Night Terrors and Scary Dreams

18 Tips to Get Naps Sorted

Good sleep is an essential function for life. We would never endorse a "cry it out" approach to sleep training. A loving, age-appropriate, active response method will produce the best long term result, but does require commitment to stay consistent.

Remember, sleep is not a luxury, it's a necessity. 

Parents are happier, more fulfilled and calmer when their child is sleeping well. 

And research has proven that children who get age-appropriate sleep every night are smarter and healthier, with an increased immune system, longer attention span and easier temperament

We can't wait to help deliver good sleep to your precious ones. 

Sweet dreams and happy hushing.

Laura and the Snotty Noses team, Brisbane xx

                          Extra Covers Available With Hush......                       

Cool Mist Vaporiser with Dream It cover
